Real-world tasks proposed, designed, and sponsored by industry and government agencies


Find FAQs specific to your task here: team-info/2025-tasks-faqs

Find FAQs about the Flash Talks here: team-info/flash-talks


General Contest FAQs

Go to the Guidelines page to access the 2025 Team Manual.

Q: Should the PFD be based off the bench-scale or the full-scale design plans? (Posted 3/5/25)
The PFD should include all processes and components as they apply to your bench-scale demonstration. These should, as directly as possible, reflect the full-scale design.

Q: My profile isn't saving on the wercteams site. (Posted 3/1/25)
Our server is sometimes a bit slow to get started. Try this: Enter only one item (such as your address), then click "Save" and ensure that the change was saved. If not, try it again. We have found that after about 3 tries, we can keep working for about 5 minutes before needing to save again. Still having troubles? Contact Ginger. 

Q: What are all of our online resources? (Posted 3/1/25)
The WERC website (where you are now) posts tasks, manuals, forms, other info.
The site is our "Team Site" where team advisors, teams, and judges register to be involved in the contest. That is where you upload photos, reports, etc. That is where judges enter scores and where teams find their scores after the contest.
The ESP Short course is hosted by NMSU's On Demand Course system and is operated by NMSU, not WERC. 

Q: Where can we find a downloadable WERC logo? (Posted 2/12/25)
A: It is posted on our website ( under the top tab: "PRESS KIT"

Q: Where can we place our college logos and WERC's logo? (Posted 2/12/25)
At the contest, the only place you cannot post your logo is on your Flash Pitch Slides. For all other events, please feel free to wear your school colors, proudly display your logo, etc. Please place the WERC logo on a corner of your poster.

Q: How can my team get the link to the WERC Short Course (Developing an ESP)? (Posted 07/02/24)
We will email links to registered teams in December. If you have not received the links or have not yet registered, email a request to Note that the Hydrogen Safety Course is only needed for Task 2: Smart Grids with Hydrogen Integration.

Q: When is the technical report due? (Posted 1/09/25)
A: The technical report is due on Monday, March 31, 11:59 PM (Your time zone).

Q: What is the attire for the different events at the contest? (Posted 7/02/24)
Please see your team manual (pp. 11, 14, 16, & 18) for event attire. The Tuesday Reception is casual attire.

Q: To what address can we ship equipment to Las Cruces prior to coming to the contest?
Please see your Team Manual and this page for information.

Q: For the written report, are we allowed to add in actual pictures of our design? (Posted 7/02/24)
Yes! Teams should include photos of the equipment they build in their technical report.

Q: What is the deadline for submitting the technical report draft to our auditors? (Posted 7/02/24)
We suggest that you submit your draft to your auditors 3 weeks prior to the report due date. Since the report is due March 31, 2025, March 10 would be a good time to submit it. The date is a suggestion, not a requirement. See Team Manual.

Q: What should we put in the social media post? (Posted 7/02/24)
Send out something friendly and exciting that thanks the sponsors and tells people what you are doing, like this: We are excited to be solving xxxx at the WERC Environmental Design Contest in Las Cruces, NM. We send a big "Thank you" to our sponsors: @XXX, @XXX. (But put  it in your own words--you don't want everyone to use your phrasing.) Include a photo of your team having fun working on the project.

Q: Registration says "Gender for Style." What does that mean? (Posted 7/16/23)
A: Faculty and judges receive a gift of a jacket or vest. The Ladies versions are narrower in the waist than the men’s versions. If you prefer it larger in the waist, select “Male.” If you prefer it narrower in the waist, select “Female.” All participants receive a T-shirt. T-shirts are unisex sizing. 

Q: What computer connections will be available for presentations at the contest? (Posted 7/16/23)
A: HDMI is provided. We also have VGA-to-HDMI adapters. Your team should bring any other needed adapters.